Live Network Status & Maintenance Information

View this page to check the status of any issues that may affect multiple clients or systems within our network. Below, you'll find the latest details on our current network status and any planned system maintenance or upgrades. Click for an RSS feed of our below notices.

If you experience service issues other than those listed below, please go to your Client Portal and submit a ticket or call our 24/7 support team.


Current Issues & Planned Maintenance

2025-03-15 :: 3.15.2025 - Anti Spam Cluster Upgrade
We have upgraded the AntiSpam cluster to a new version. The previous version was end of life by the vendor. We have noticed a couple of issues with the redirection on the quarantine reports and are working those issues.
2025-02-14 :: All Systems Nominal
All Systems Nominal and Green at this time.
2024-04-04 :: 4.4.2024 - All Systems Green
4.4.2024 All systems are nominal at this time.
2024-11-25 :: 11.25.2024 - All Systems Green
11.25.2024 All systems are nominal at this time.
2023-07-17 :: Power Issue 7.14.2023
7.14.2023 2100 CST - 2130 CST - At approxmately 2100 CST a large storm moved through our area brining with is a significant amount of ligtning. It appears that we took a lightning strike that caused an issue with the transfer of power to the generator. This caused a power loss to all equipment in the datacenter for a short period of time and led to shutdowns and restarts upon restoration of power. We have a significan grounding grid and TVSS system in place for the facility and are investigating what additional steps can be taken to minimize future impacts of servere weather. If you are having any issues with your server and/or service, please dont hesitate to reach out. We apologize for the troubles this has caused.
2023-05-08 :: Cloud Cluster subnet
5.8.2023 0500 hours CST, all remaining connectivity to othe cloud cluster with the subnet has been restored. If you have any further issues, please let us know. Thank you for your patience and we apologize for the troubles.
2023-05-07 :: Transformer Replaced
5.7.2023 2200 hours CST. The utility has replaced the failed transformer. We continue to work a few lingering issues with one of the cloud clusters - specifically servers in the subnet. If you have a service down outside of the subnet, please submit a support request and include your ip address. Thank you for your patience as we work thru this issue.
2023-05-07 :: Utility Transformer Failure
5.7.2023 1500 CST At approxmately 1500 hours CST, the primary utlitiy transformer failed. This caused a drop and surge in one of the 3 phases. Out backup power kicked in at this time. During the transfer an issue occurred causing a power drop in the datacenter. As a result one of our core switches failed to start properly causing a network issue to certain segments of the datacenter. At this time we are on backup power and the utility is replacing the transformer. We are also working the switch issue to restore connectivity to the problem areas.
2023-01-25 :: Spectrum Upstream Connections Outage
At approximately 1:00 AM CST, Spectrum engaged in maintenance at one of their local pops that we are connected. During this maintenance, they created a configration error that caused issues with the BGP and announcements of our ip space that they make externally to their peers. This caused our IP addresses to be unroutable for a period until they were able to uncover the misconfiguration at approximately 10:00 AM CST. While we have multiple geographically diverse physical connections, the issue was ultimately a result of a misconfiguration on their router during their maintenance and then their broadcast of misconfigured routes to their peers. We apologize for the trouble and issues this has caused.
2023-01-12 :: HV Node Issue Cloud03
10:45 AM CST - We are having an issue with an HV node on out cloud03 cluster. This is affecting a handful of vm's. We expect to have resolved shortly.
2023-01-08 :: Cloud03 Cluster
1.8.2023 8:45 PM CST - The maintenance on the cloud cluster has been completed.<br/><br/> This weekend, 1.6.2023 - 1.8.2023, we will be conducting maintenance on the cloud03 cluster. If you have a server within the subnet of, you may see a couple of brief periods of donwtime on your VM's as we update the backend of the cloud cluster. These updates are to increase realiabilty and performance of the cluster and VM's within.
2022-01-03 :: 2:00 PM CST DNS Issue Resolved
The DNS issues with ns1 and have been corrected. It looks like a backend resolver was the issue with the name servers resolving local domains that are using ns1 and ns2. If you see any further issues, please submit a ticket and we will investigate.